* パッチ情報 [#hd4a30b0]

** [#fb294d43]

- [[DirectX 12>https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/DirectX#DirectX_12]] 対応
- [[Logitech ARX>http://gaming.logicool.co.jp/ja-jp/articles/arx-control]] 対応
- 追加シナリオ「騎兵と連続砲撃」
- 追加マップ「四葉のクローバー」「六角の雪結晶」
- 詳細は下記参照。

- マップ
- シナリオ「騎兵と連続砲撃」
- DX12 対応
- Logitech ARX 完全対応

- 通知を更に追加
- 「時間切れ負け」を追加
- ホットキー対応を追加
- 都市の名前を変更する機能を追加
- 都市が次に成長するタイルを表示
- 都市が蛮族に発見されたときに情報を表示
- Dan Quayleランキングを変更

- アイビー作戦の前提プロジェクトにマンハッタン計画を追加
- 経済学の前提テクノロジーに鋳造を追加
- 宗教創始時に都市が改宗するように宗教圧力を調整
- 外交関係が風化するペースを調整
- 社会政策の騎兵生産ボーナスを減少
- ほとんどの好戦的ペナルティを減少
- 軍事ユニットが国内にいるときの国境侵犯の警告を減少
- 円形競技場の傑作(書物)スロットを2に増加
- スパイの傍聴活動にかかる時間を増加
- 宗教ユニットのコストを増加、追加料金が発生
- ダメージを受けているユニットは削除できないように変更
- ユニットを削除してもゴールド入手できないように変更
- マップ「アイランドプレート」の更新:丘陵と山岳を増加
- 自国外のタイルの特徴を取り除きできないように変更
- フォールアウトは資源の収穫を妨げるように変更
- 蛮族の野営地は低難易度のプレイヤーの遠くに発生するように変更

- 科学勝利と文化勝利への行動を強化
- 友好宣言の評価を調整
- 潜在的な利害に基づいて開戦・終戦するように調整
- 先進的な軍事ユニットを生産するために競争力を強化
- 審問官の評価を上昇(フェリペ2世は特に顕著)
- ユニットのアップグレードの評価を上昇
- 開拓者の護衛の評価を上昇
- カタパルトなど移動後攻撃できないユニットの動かし方を調整
- 都市・ユニットの生産計画を調整
- 都市国家が強い軍隊を維持するように調整

- 生産ボーナスが正しく適用されるように修正
- 王立海軍造船所が正しい隣接ボーナスを得るように修正
- 長城を建設するときの問題を修正
- 陣形を組んだユニットの切り替えエラーを修正
- 都市国家からの最初の徴用ユニットが期限を過ぎて返還されるときに、他の都市国家の徴用ユニットも返還されるバグを修正
•	Fixed several issues when Airstrips and Aerodromes are occupied, including forced rebasing of enemy units and UI updates.
•	Fixed an exploit that allowed ranged and bombard units to gain experience when attacking a district with 0 hit points.
•	Fixed an issue with wonders when transferring city ownership – conquering a city with a wonder would not track that wonder, and could lead to problems when attempting to use Gustave Eiffel.
•	Fixed an issue where the Settler lens would not always show the right information to the player.
•	Fixed an issue where AI would counter gold changes with the change desired, rather than the total amount of gold desired. 
•	Fixed an issue where the Tutorial intro and outro videos would appear off-center in certain resolutions.
•	Fixed some crashes with units.
•	Fixed an issue where multiple leaders of the same civilization would frequently show up in a game.
•	Fixed an issue where Trade Route yields were doubling in some instances.
•	Units in formations now break formation before teleporting between cities.
•	The achievement ‘For Queen and Country’ was unlocking too frequently.
•	AI with neutral relationships should accept delegations barring exceptional circumstances.
•	Can no longer declare a Joint War if it is invalid for either party.
•	Save game files should no longer be case sensitive.
•	Certain wonders were sending extra notifications.
•	Players will no longer receive any warmongering penalties from a joint war partner for actions in that joint war.
•	Liberating a civilization back to life will now bring them back into the game properly.
•	Observation Balloon range bonus was being incorrectly applied when stacked.
•	Text and grammar fixes.

•	Buildings on snow will now have snow on them.
•	Added an Industrial Barbarian Encampment.
•	Added a ranger tower to National Parks.
•	Fixed some issues with buildings not culling around other world items properly.
•	Fixed an issue with some Districts not showing properly.
•	Miscellaneous polish applied to multiple improvements, districts, and buildings.

•	Turn timers are always disabled on the first turn of a new game. This happens regardless of the advanced start or turn timer type selected.
•	Allow multiplayer lobby's private game status to be toggled once the lobby has been created.
•	Cap the max players to 12.
•	Added LAN player name option to options screen.

•	Added the number of specialists working a tile.
•	Added some additional icons for espionage, promotions, etc.
•	Added additional Civilopedia shortcuts, including right clicking a unit portrait.
•	Added the signature to the diplomacy action view/deal view so that we can differentiate between duplicate players. Also added multiplayer screenname in diplomacy.
•	Added Trade Route yields to the Reports screen.
•	Added City Center to the City Breakdown panel.
•	Added rewards and consequences to mission completed popups.
•	Updated the leader-chooser when beginning a new game.
•	Updated the end game Victory screen.
•	Updated the multiplayer staging room.
•	Updated city banners.
•	Updated Espionage mission chooser flow.
•	Updated to display what cities are getting amenities from each resource.
•	Changed resource icon backings to reflect the type of resource it is.
•	Auto-scroll to the first Great Person that can be claimed.
•	Improved search functionality in the Civilopedia.
•	Removed Barbarian data from player replay graphs.
•	ESC now closes the Tech, Civic, and Eureka popups.
•	When loading a game, the era blurb will be the current era of the saved game, rather than the starting era of the game.

•	Added some missing mouseover sounds.
•	Fixed the Oracle quote.
•	Fixed an issue where the Advisor voice was not playing in some languages.
•	Fixed compatibility issues with some sound cards, especially those set to high playback rates.

•	Added a setup option "No Duplicate Leaders" that is enabled by default. This option prevents multiple players from selecting the same leader.
•	Updated leader screen to support enabling/disabling bloom according to the 'Enable Bloom' graphics option.
•	Plot Tooltip Delay is now available in the Options menu.
•	Auto Cycle Units is now available in the Options menu.
•	Benchmark updates.
•	Credits updated.

** [#ga91030b]
Digital Deluxeに1GBのアップデート。
the 25th Anniversary Soundtrack
- Digital Deluxeにサウンドトラック「the 25th Anniversary」を追加
