パッチ情報 Edit

公式日本語パッチノート Edit










Fixed several unique buildings that weren’t getting their yields increased by various game effects (ex. Policies)
Fixed an issue that allowed the Goddess of the Harvest pantheon bonus to stack
Fixed it so loading screens now show the correct text and play matching VO
Fixed an issue that blocked certain relationship-based diplomatic actions
Fixed an issue where incomplete Encampment districts were able to attack
Fixed an issue where you could declare war on friends or allies by moving units
Fixed an issue where AI could declare war on a civ with whom they were already at war
Fixed an issue that caused a Multiplayer lobby to require joining players to have Additional Content that wasn’t actually needed
Fixed a bug that caused Apostles to run out of promotions
Fixed a bug where gaining policy slots mid-turn could block progression
Fixed issues caused by trading lots of Great Works at the same time
Fixed an issue where turn timers weren’t loading correctly from a save
Fixed an issue where Rome’s roads would connect to too many adjacent roads
Fixed issue where civs could get another civ’s exclusive agenda
Fixed multiple links to the Civilopedia
Fixed issue that could cause menu music to play twice and overlap itself
Fixed an issue that could cause private MP games to become public
Fixed multiple text & grammatical issues
Fixed multiple crashes

Added new art for National Parks
Updated Mines for several eras
Updated Swordsman
Improved city fading during combat

Hallowed Ground scenario is now playable on huge maps
VO now plays correctly when loading a save

Resource Report now correctly shows resources from several sources:
Great People abilities
Diplomatic Deals
Checkboxes for toggle yields and grid now stay in sync with hotkeys
Improved differentiation in Government Lens hex colors
Added Defeat icon to the End Game Results screen

Added sound effect for Quick Save hotkey Edit












[その他] Edit

